Junior Jacket (3rd-8th) Fastpitch Signup Form

Jr Jacket Fastpitch is for any 3rd – 8th grade Sidney School student who has an interest in playing Fastpitch Softball for the Jr Jackets.  We offer various fastpitch softball opportunities, including a Jr High team for 7th / 8th graders (March-May), and summer and fall team(s) for 3rd-8th grade students. We are also able to offer off-season training in our indoor training facility, the Goffena Training Facility.  Submitting your contact information simply lets us know that you have some interest in our program and allows us to keep you informed about upcoming events.

During this off-season, we are offering indoor skills training sessions for any interested Sidney 3rd – 8th grader.  Training includes hitting, fielding, pitching, catching, baserunning and rules instruction, all geared to improve your skills to be ready for the upcoming season(s). Prior experience is recommended, but not required. 

Contact us through this website, if you have questions. (CLICK HERE)


Sign up below!

Signup Form – Fill out and submit to sign up.


    __ PLAYER INFORMATION: _______________________________________

    Player grade (3rd-8th)

    Player t-shirt size

    __ PARENT/GUARDIAN CONTACT INFO: ____________________________


    Do we have permission to post photos of your player on our Facebook page and/or
    the JrJacketFastpitch.com website?


    __ JR HIGH SCHOOL FASTPITCH TEAM (7th/8th Graders Only) (March-April) ______________

    Interested in playing on our Sidney Jr High (7th/8th) team (March/April) this Spring?



    We certainly understand that many players are involved in other sports during the school year and do not expect
    them to be able to take advantage of training opportunities while they are participating in other in-season sports.

    Comments about Other Sports:

    Interested in playing in a fastpitch league this Summer (May-July)?

    Interested in playing in a fastpitch league this Fall (Sept/Oct)?


    __ FASTPITCH TRAVEL BALL PARTICIPATION _____________________

    Currently playing for a Travel Team?

    IF not currently playing for a Fastpitch Travel Team, would you want help in finding a team to play for?



    We are very fortunate to have an indoor facility, the Goffena Training Facility, where we can offer year-round training
    for players interested in additional pitching, catching, fielding and/or hitting instruction in the off-season.

    Interested in off-season hitting and/or fielding instruction?

    Interested in off-season pitching instruction?

    Interested in off-season catching instruction?


    __ JOIN THE REMIND.COM GROUP TO KEEP INFORMED _____________________

    We will be using the Remind.com App to contact parents and keep them informed about practices, games etc. We have created two new Groups for school year 2024/25. If you have not yet joined one of the following new groups, please do so. (previous groups will be removed)

    3rd-6th Graders - to join Group "2024/25 3-6 Fastpitch" - Using your cell phone, Text @202425fp36 to 81010 or visit http://remind.com/join/202425fp36

    7th/8th Graders - to join Group "2024/25 7-8 Fastpitch" - Using your cell phone, Text @202425fp78 to 81010 or visit http://remind.com/join/202425fp78
